Tuesday, June 21, 2011

day after yesterday...

or today if you will. Today was seriously out of my comfort zone on so many levels. We went to west haven, which is a place for mentally handicapped adults. We get there and immediately the people there start hugging you and just loving you UNCONDITIONALLY, it was so humbling. anyrate i had to help lead songs which i cant really sing so that pushed me out there, but none of them really cared they were just excited to sing songs. Followed by feeding time, that literally made me feel minuscule, having to feed someone b/c they couldnt physically do it... OMG talk about walking away changed... Thank you God for the ability to be a 'whole' person. But i will say this i learned more today about selflessness and compassion then i ever have probably in my entire life... epic mind blowing day.

Keep it Classy and Safe,

Monday, June 20, 2011

i dont even know what day it is.

Well here we are on day something or another in jamaica... I mean i cant really tell you how long ive been here with out thinking and that is well more then i wanna do right now lol. Anyways, today was alot of fun, we built some super sketchy, i cant emphasize sketch enough, scaffolding out of small trees and 4ft pieces of 1x4. We only finished round about the first eighth of it and im pretty sure i would never stand on it. Then from there due to scheduling mishaps we had a little down time, then went to a small neighborhood and did athletic camps, they were more like mass games of basketball, frisbee and crafts lol... all in all a good day.

Keep it Classy and Safe,

Saturday, June 18, 2011


So im here in jamaica, the past few days have been jawesome. The first day we went to an infirmary(hospital for disabled patience) then to an actual hospital. Then today we went to orphanages and omg the kids were so desperate for just simple love, it truly broke my heart. I am so blessed to have a family who has always been there for me and has always loved me. At the first orphanage, we went to we met a lot of the younger children and babies and played with them for what seemed like hours and hours, I met two little boys personally named Sanjay and Christopher. They just wanted to be held and played with... they ran me ragged lol. Then the second orphanage we went to we played dodgeball, with a lot of the kids, it was so much fun... i mean come on who doesnt love a good game of dodgeball. Then we quit playing and began doing handstands with them... seeing jimmy goddard attempt to do a one armed hand stand is a sight that i practically indescribable, but if u know him u can just only imagine. Well that is all for know

Keep it Classy and Safe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


well this is my first post since my great return to the us, almost 2.5 months ago now. I have debated whether or not continuing the blog, i decided to cause sometimes i just have things that i feel like saying and i figure, if its on my bookmark bar i might as well use it lol

anyways, little recap, my april and my went rather smooth just work and play mostly, minus the fact one of dearest and closest friends in the world was hospitalized and almost left us, that would have sucked, anyways here it is mid-june, and im already trying to figure out where the time went. I totaled it up and i will have like a grand 8 days that im actually home during this entire month, but its totally cool with me. I will be in North Carolina til tom, then ill be back home for less then a day, then off to the airport to fly out to Jamaica for a mission trip, then back for 5 days, then to PCB for the annual Spiritual Life Retreat. I just met an awesome dude named Jeremy who is a pastor in Maryville at a church called remedy... this sounds like a place for peoples like me. Anyways im gonna stop rambling...
Keep it Classy and Safe,