Thursday, November 10, 2011

Joe Paterno, the legend who got screwed.

So for those of you who aren't sport fans, have probably heard about the molestation charges and the scandal that accompanied it at Penn State University. In the midst of this scandal, a man who did what he was supposed to has been fired, why you ask, because he didn't do the right thing. Let's see, when he received reports about the alleged situations, he went to his superiors and informed them of what he had been told and they left the situation be, not joe Paterno, his superiors did. How asinine do you have to be to fire a man for doing what protocol tells him to do. I'm sorry for the rant but I just feel that man who has been a legend ever since I was child is being ousted and blamed for something he tried to correct. Place yourself in his shoes, would you be able to go before your superiors and tell them something so vile had happened?

Keep it classy and safe,