Tuesday, April 12, 2011

its been a few days

things are going pretty well, im officially an ambassador for Good Samaritan and have raised my first donation for their causes. Im pretty excited at where this can go. I am although missing home a little bit, but it will all be good. I mainly miss the people that I love so much and tacos and monster, but more the people and monster lol. I hope all is well at home and cant wait to see everyone soon.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I heard Lightning once.

Well its been going well here, last night before i went to bed and then heard some huge cracks of lightning, i know hear lightning, you would have to been here to understand. So i went and stood outside and watch the storm brew for a little bit. Its amazing the things u can see when there is so little artificial light, like stars and storms brew at night. Its a really sweet experience.

I have debated continuing the blog when I get back home, any one think that is a good idea. I mean who really wants to read about what I do everyday lol. I may just depends on how i feel about it.
I hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to see everyone when i get back home.

Keep it Classy and Safe,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ranch on porkchops and ketchup on pizza.

Both are which concepts I am still trying to grasp while here in Romania. So today has been really awesome  to say the least. Got to spend just hanging out with people my own age which was really cool. Something that i have wanted to do since i got here, see how people my age spend there time. Well i found out it involves playing poker( and if you know me you will know i love me a good game of poker.) sandwiches, movies and music. All of the things rank highly on my list of things i enjoy. So i hung out with these guys i would tell u there names, but truthfully i cant even attempt to spell them, for they are traditional romanian names and they putt the oddest letters in the strangest places when spelling lol. Anyways just had a good time of hanging out and getting to know people in this country that are my own age.

anyways things are continuing to go really well for me here and i have to say i am really glad that i have met some of the people that I have. I am now officially an ambassador for a Romanian organization called ' Good Samaritan' they do alot of the same things we do in chattanooga but here in Romanian, obviously and they have plans to possibly expand into other countries. So when i get back expect me to tell u all about my new found i guess 'job title'

Keep it Classy and Safe as always